May 31, 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge...Day 31

Why I Blog

This is the last day of the 31 Day Blog Challenge.
I have enjoyed it so much!!
I just started this blog recently and this challenge has helped me grow.

There are many different reasons people blog.

Just like there are different reasons I started this blog.
I wanted to record things in my life to be able to look back on.
As well for my family to look back on and reminisce.
It's sort of a .com scrapbook if you will.
I also wanted to connect with other bloggers.
There are millions upon millions of blogs out there in the blog world
and if I connect with just a few of those, it will be awesome!
I also hope to inspire, even if it is just one person, in one way or another
through my blog.
To be honest, at this point, I really do not know what direction my blog will go.
Right now, it is about my life and my family
and it is perfectly fine with me for it to stay that way.
I just want it to go on the path that my God wants it to go on for His glory.


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